in cahoots with the Waterfront Barge Museum hosted a public reading of Walt Whitman's Song of Myself from Leaves of Grass

May 20, 2017

All proceeds supported:
the Waterfront Barge Museum
the ACLU
PEN America
and Sunny's Bar


Many huge thanks to everyone who generously contributed to the evening - in addition to being magical, it was also a successful fundraiser. Happy to report we raised almost $2000 which we will be donating to the following arts, culture and freedom of expression organizations: the Waterfront Barge Museum, Sunny's Bar, PEN America, and the ACLU. All these organizations do great work and support the beating heart of cultural life - of life, period. Let's continue to support them.

Read a write up of the evening from Red Hook's own local newspaper, The Red Hook Star Review. 


Featured Readers Included:
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Peter Sarsgaard
Monique Truong
Adam Haslett
Péter Zilahy
Chelsea Hodson

"Free verse for a free nation!" - Thomas Lynch